Baby’s Kitchen Cupboard Organisation

Hello there!

Hope you are all well? Thought I would write a blog post about how I have got myself organised to best cater for little Harry’s eating.  If you’re a parent, you will know how stressful it can become when your wee one is crying looking fed and you’re flapping about trying to get bottles made/ food prepared!  I think the key to avoiding this is preparation and organisation.

Firstly, I cleared a cupboard in the kitchen and dedicated it solely to Harry.  I then bought some storage baskets to put his bits and pieces in.  You can find the baskets here:


The bottom shelf has sterilised bottles on the left, baby rice and porridge in the middle and formula on the right.  This formula is the opened one which I am currently using.

The middle shelf has a basket full of spoons, bowls and bibs.  And another basket with food pouches for handiness when out and about.  (Just a quick side note – become a friend to Ella’s Kitchen here for a cute little weaning starter pack: )


The top shelf has spare formula; I would recommend keeping a spare tin or two to avoid panic if it runs out!  And a basket with medical supplies, and cups.

I hope these simple organisation tips have been helpful! If you have any more I would love to hear them!

Hope you enjoy reading, as much as I enjoy writing!


2 thoughts on “Baby’s Kitchen Cupboard Organisation”

  1. Hello

    I’m interested to see you use both normal and lactose free formula, why both? My lg in lactose intolerant and to use both formulas would make her very poorly.

    1. Hi Gillian! I used the lactose free for a period of time until my little mans tummy had settled then began to slowly reintroduce the normal milk. He is now completely on normal milk 🙂 hope this is of some help!

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